
Should websites and social media pages be liable for users’ comments
INTRODUCTION The Internet represents a communications revolution. It makes instantaneous global communication available cheaply to...
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Information Is The New Oil
While Privacy/data protection is not always directly mentioned as a separate right in constitutions, nearly...
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In order to understand what image rights are, it’s probably best to understand where they...
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Fighting Facebook, the French way
Almost everyone with a phone has a Facebook account. By April 2016, Facebook had over...
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Electioneering and Extremism in the Digital Age
The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), under the OpenNet...
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E-Commerce and Consumer Rights: Applicability of Consumer Protection Laws In Online Transactions In Uganda
Uganda in the recent years has been experiencing an exponential boom in e- commerce. New...
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Defamation in the Age of the Internet
The Internet represents a communications revolution. It makes instantaneous global communication available cheaply to anyone...
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Cybersquatting, domain names and their place in eCommerce and Uganda’s Intellectual property realm
Trademark registration in Uganda, is governed by the Trademarks Act 2010 and accompanying regulations. The...
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Can UCC lawfully Monitor your phone?
"The right to be let alone is a part of the right to enjoy life....
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Transforming Uganda’s Land Registries with the use of Blockchain Technology
Blockchain has been adopted by countries looking to attract external investment by making property ownership...
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