Kenneth Muhangi

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and the Carbon Market in Uganda
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Achieving Uganda’s NDP III Goals- How Intellectual Property, Digital Trade and the 4IR can Facilitate an Inclusive and Robust Digital Economy tracked
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Uganda’s Fintech Eco-System: How Collaboration, Interoperability and Regulation can Facilitate an Inclusive and Robust Digital Economy
“Tempered by physical law, which adds a dash of necessity, chance becomes the creative force,...
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Are you Paying Attention?
Minds are marvelous to look at from the inside. In addition to all the things...
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Preservation of the Right to Privacy
"The right to be let alone is a part of the right to enjoy life....
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Innovation & The Internet of Things
“The Google and Facebook algorithms not only know exactly how you feel, they also know...
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Intellectual Property & Technology Opportunities In East Africa
The East African region is made up of six countries: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi...
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KTA – URRO Copyright Workshop Handbook
This KTA-URRO Copyright Workshop will take place on the 19th day of June, 2018 at...
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